Friday, June 15, 2012

Content Aware Healing

Here's a photo that suffers from a couple of distracting elements, especially the large wooden post blocking the view of the mountains above the Visitor Center sign:
The Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center. Image © 2010 Steve Patterson, Photoshop
A nice view of the mountain. Too bad that post is in the way.
The traditional way to remove the post would be with the Clone Stamp Tool, but let's see if the new Content-Aware Fill option in Photoshop CS5 can make the job easier for us. As always, I'll first press Ctrl+J (Win) / Command+J (Mac) on my keyboard to create a copy of my image so I'm not making any changes to the original. If we look in the Layers panel, we see that I now have two layers, each containing the same image. The original photo will remain safe on the Background layer, and all of the editing work I'm about to do will be done to the copy of the image on Layer 1 above it:
The Layers panel in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Photoshop
Working on a copy of the image to protect the original.
Since "Layer 1" isn't very descriptive, I'll double-click directly on the layer's name in the Layers panel and change it to "content-aware fill", pressing Enter (Win) / Return (Mac) when I'm done to accept the name change:
Renaming the new layer 'content-aware fill'. Image © 2010 Photoshop
Renaming the layer to keep things organized.
To use Content-Aware Fill, we first need to draw a selection around the object or area we want to remove or replace. Since the post is a simple, straight-sided shape, I'll use the Polygonal Lasso Tool, which is hiding behind the standard Lasso Tool in the Tools panel. To access it, I'll click and hold on the Lasso Tool until the fly-out menu appears, then I'll select the Polygonal Lasso Tool from the list:
Selecting the Polygonal Lasso Tool in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Photoshop
The Polygonal Lasso Tool is still hiding behind the standard Lasso Tool in Photoshop CS5.
With the Polygonal Lasso Tool selected, I'll press the letter F on my keyboard to switch out of the document window and into full screen mode, which will make it easier to select the top of the post. Then I'll just click my way around the post to select it. You'll want to stay close to the edges of the object you're selecting for Content-Aware Fill to work best, but there's no need to be surgically precise:
A selection outline appears around the post in the image. Image © 2010 Photoshop
A selection outline now appears around the post.
With the selection in place, I'll go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose the Fill command:
Selecting the Fill command from the Edit menu in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Photoshop
Choosing the Fill command from the Edit menu.
Just as Content-Aware Healing is a new option for the Spot Healing Brush in Photoshop CS5, Content-Aware Fill is a new option in the Fill dialog box. We select it by choosing Content-Aware in the Contents section at the top:
The Content-Aware Fill option in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Photoshop
Photoshop CS5 now gives us a Content-Aware option in the Fill dialog box.
In Photoshop CS4 or earlier, all we could fill a selection with was a solid color or pattern, but with Content-Aware selected in CS5, Photoshop can now examine the contents of the image and try to fill in the selected area with actual image detail, as if the object we're removing never existed! At least, that's the idea of it. Let's see what happens when I click OK to exit out of the Fill dialog box:
The post has been removed from the image using Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Photoshop
Content-Aware Fill was able to easily remove the post from the photo.
Just like that, the post is gone! Photoshop CS5 did an outstanding job of removing it and filling the area with image detail as if the post had never been there, and all I had to do was draw a selection around it and choose Content-Aware from the Fill dialog box. Is it 100% perfect? Not quite. The top of the mountain looks a little strange, and a couple of areas look like a repeating pattern, but what we're left with now is nothing more than a quick clean up with the standard Healing Brush or the Clone Stamp Tool rather than having to put in a lot more time and effort by doing it all ourselves.
There's another distracting object of some sort in the bottom right corner of the photo that I'd like to remove, so I'll use the standard Lasso Tool this time to draw a quick selection around it:
Selecting a distracting object in the bottom right corner of the photo with the Lasso Tool. Image © 2010 Photoshop
Drawing a selection around the object with the Lasso Tool.
With the object selected, I'll go back up to the Edit menu and once again choose the Fill command. When the Fill dialog box appears, I'll again choose the new Content-Aware option. Finally, I'll click OK to exit out of the dialog box, and Photoshop CS5 does another great job at removing the object from the photo, filling the area with new image data:
The object has been removed from the image using Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop CS5. Image © 2010 Photoshop
Another distracting object removed with almost no effort.
If you don't like the results after running Content-Aware Fill, simply undo it by pressing Ctrl+Z (Win) / Command+Z(Mac), then running it again. You'll get a different result each time.
Another great use for Content-Aware Fill is when we're creating panoramic images with Photoshop's Photomerge command. We'll see how it works next!

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