Lasso Tool(Shortcut Key – L)
The shortcut key for selecting a marquee tool is “L“.A lasso tool is also a tool used for making selections but, the difference between marquee tool and lasso is, lasso allows freehand selections, whereas marquee allows only shapes selection.
There are three types, which can be selected by right – clicking the lasso tool icon in menu bar.
The three lasso tools are:
(i) Lasso Tool
(ii) Polygonal Lasso Tool
(iii) Magnetic Lasso Tool
Lasso Tool
The Lasso Tool is a freehand selection tool. To make a selection, just click on the Lasso tool (just below the Marquee tools) or press “L” key, then click on where you want to start your selection and start drawing around your desired selection while holding your mouse’s left button.Completing Selection
Just release the button.
Polygonal Lasso Tool
The Polygon Lasso Tool is smiliar to Lasso tool, but instead of holding down your mouse button while you draw your selection, you just have to click on various points to make a selection. It’s just like creating polygonal selections.To complete the selection, click on the starting or first point of your selection or just double left-click at any point.
Magnetic Lasso Tool
The Magnetic Lasso Tool is used to create a selection, automatically clinging to the edges of the defined area of the contrast objects. Click on the Magnetic Lasso Tool, click at the image to create your starting point. Move the mouse on the edges of the object.The tool will create fastening points that clings at the edges. You can manually put a fastening point by clicking the desired key point.
Lasso Tool and Polygon Lasso Options
The first icon inside the red box allows you to create a new selection. There is nothing special about this option.
The second icon inside the redbox allows you to add an new selection to an old selection.
The third icon inside the red box allows you to subtract the intersecting pixels of two selections.
The fourth icon inside the red box allows to select the intersecting pixels.
In Green Box,
Option “Feather” blends the edges of a selection with pixels of the background and feathering also helps in softening the transition.
Anti-aliasing helps to prevents our round selections from having rough(i.e square-like edges or sharp edges). It helps in softening the edges for your selection.Magnetic Lasso Tool Options
Width Option:
The Width option is responsible for the magneti lasso tool’s range of detecting the edges. The Value of width is given in px(i.e pixel).
Contrast Option:
The Contrast is responsible for the tool’s sensitivity. It value of contrast in given in Percentage. So you can increase it upto 100% and the minimum value can be 0%.
Frequency option is the one responsible for the amount or how frequently or offen the fastening points the tool will set (i.e if the frequency is set high, then the magnetic lasso tool will set the point in less distance or closer to the other points, if frequency is set low, then the magnetic lasso tool will set the points at long distance or far from other points).
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