Marquee Tool(Shortcut Key – M)
Marquee is one of the basic tools in photoshop used for making geometric selections of portions of pictures. You can select an portion of a pictures and fill it in with any color (use fill color tool). You can also edit or delete the selected parts of a picture. The shortcut key for selecting a marquee tool is “m”.A marquee tool is basically a tool used for making selections. There are four types, which can be selected by right – clicking the marquee tool icon.
The four marquee tools are:
(i) Rectangular
(ii) Elliptical
(iii) Single row
(iv) Single column
They can be used to select different shapes, according to the name.
Rectanglular Marquee
This tool is used to make rectangular selection on your image. Holding the shift key down to constrain the selection to a square (a perfect square), by pressing the space bar, will stop resizing the selection and instead allows you to move the whole rectangular selection about the canvas. Holding the [Alt] key while dragging sets the center of the rectangle to where your cursor started.This changes the area of your image that is affected by other tools or actions to be within the defined shape, (i.e. when you have a rectangular area selected, the other areas are not affected by others tools).
Note: ImageReady also allows rounded corners in rectangles.
Elliptical Marquee
The name itself shows, that this tool can make a Elliptical or a circular Selection on the image. To make a perfect circle, press shift key while dragging with Elliptical Marquee Tool selected.Single Row Marquee
We can make a horizontal selection of 1 pixel high with the Single Row Marquee Tool.Single Column Marquee
Single Column Marquee is one of the most popular and frequently used Marquee Tool that can be accessed from the popup window that gets activated when you click and hold the Marquee Tool button.Make a vertical selection 1 pixel wide.
Marquee Options(Shortcut Key – M)
The first icon inside the red box allows you to create a new selection. There is nothing special about this option.
The second icon inside the redbox allows you to add an new selection to an old selection.
The third icon inside the red box allows you to subtract the intersecting pixels of two selections.
The fourth icon inside the red box allows to select the intersecting pixels.
In Green Box,
Option “Feather” blends the edges of a selection with pixels of the background and feathering also helps in softening the transition.
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